SpinMe Alarmclock (Android) software


Looking for the English software to “SpinMe Alarmclock (Android)” from the album General (Downloads 6,307)? More than 71 people have already found information of the software “SpinMe Alarmclock (Android)”.

SpinMe Alarmclock for Android - Download the APK from Habererciyes
SpinMe Alarmclock

Quote from the software “SpinMe Alarmclock (Android)”

SpinMe Alarmclock is a unique alarm clock app with a feature that makes it stand out from the vast number of similar Android apps.


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: SpinMe Alarmclock (Android) software

More information “SpinMe Alarmclock (Android)”

    Package Name com.spinmealarmclock License Free Op. System Android Category General Language English 44 more Author Abdulla Al-Shurafa Downloads 6,307 Date May 7, 2015 Content Rating +3 Why is this app published on Habererciyes? (More information)
  • Release Date: May 7, 2015

SpinMe Alarmclock (Android) software credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: SpinMe Alarmclock (Android) software

SpinMe Alarmclock (Android) of the Released in Downloads 6,307

[Software “SpinMe Alarmclock (Android)” with perfect software]

SpinMe Alarmclock is a unique alarm clock app with a feature that makes it stand out from the vast number of similar Android apps.

This special feature is, to prove to SpinMe Alarmclock that you're really awake, you don't have to press the screen or shake the device. Instead, you have to actually stand up, holding the phone, and spin around twice. It's only by doing this that you can turn off the alarm.

Apart from this strange feature, SpinMe Alarmclock is a pretty basic clock. It has only one alarm and you can only use the preset sounds (so you can't import your own songs, for example). It would also be nice to be able to change the number of spins needed, since two can make you dizzy.

SpinMe Alarmclock is a pretty strange alarm clock that, despite lacking some extra features, can be very useful if you're lazy in the mornings.

Download SpinMe Alarmclock for Android - Download the APK from Habererciyes